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Filled Up Full

At the start of a new year, I like to prayerfully determine a word for that year. In 2015, my word was wonder, inspired by this song by Bethel Music. The idea was to live in a state of awe and admiration of the world around me. I found that since this was my focus, I was empowered to live into the present

Let it Be

Christmastime is here. In the midst of the magic, there is almost inevitably chaos, but this year I want to purpose to slow down and soak in the wonder of it all. While scurrying to buy gifts, let’s remember the greatest gift: God chose to send His only son to dwell among us bringing hope, redemption, and a love beyond comprehension.  I invite you to celebrate the advent of the nativity of Jesus with me over the next few weeks through a variety of Christmas stories. Today, I felt inspired to start at the beginning;

Thank You, Seattle

The air is charged.

I breathe in the fresh energy, and my exhale reacts with the cold in a cloud of vapor.

This simple sensation so-long-forgotten overwhelms me with gratitude; grateful for diversity, in seasons, in place, in people.

I thrive on this sort of shifting canvas; one where innovation and creativity is stimulated,where competition is encouraged,where each day presents the possibility of newness to be discovered.

Thank you for the friendly reminder, Seattle.